2023-08-23 14:48:55


CVKeskus.ee клиент
23 - 24 €/tunnis Bruto

Töö kirjeldus

Railway project at least one year. Welding steel sheets which are pressed down into the ground to secure the ground against mudslide or as foundation for buildings. Project starts in March 2019 and new teams will be added in April and May.

Ootused kandidaadile

Must be EU citizens.
WELDING CERTIFICATES 111 and 136 must be valid until 2020.
It is good to have former experiences in Scandinavia and good English in speaking.

Ettevõte pakub

Working rotation: 2 weeks at work / 2 weeks at home.
Salary: 230-235 NOK for hour (brutto)
Living cost and meals: free
Tickets: free