2023-08-23 14:48:55

Teacher trainee

CVKeskus.ee клиент
80 - 400 €/m Gross

Job Description

The school’s own production
Production is a core activity of humankind. Throughout our
lives, we spend most of our time producing something in order to
earn a living. Production is the basis for a society to survive, and
if it is to thrive and develop, that society must produce a surplus.
At the foundation of any productive unit lies its production.
What kind of product shall it produce? Who will pay for it? What
is its purpose?
Following that, how shall the productive unit actually earn the money it needs to cover its
expenses? And what will it take to earn a surplus, which not only allows for feeding, clothing
and housing those who produce, but also allows for expansion and development?
At DNS, the course programs constitute the main production, but within the frame
of these programs, we are continuously producing a range of different and very interesting
Here are some examples:
* Making reports, presentations, radio broadcasts, documentaries,and other products for the Public Arena
* Teaching people
* Giving youngsters new life skills
* Working with boarding students in formation and educational programs
* Improving buildings
* Growing fruits and vegetables
* Cooking delicious and healthy meals
* Working together with people in working places in Europe
* Building muscles, stamina and new brain connections
* Improving health
* Gaining knowledge and insight
* Acquiring wisdom
* Getting new ideas
* Building comradeship
* Earning money through fundraising and creating values through practical work

As a student at the DNS college, you will – together with the teachers – be involved in carrying out
all these productions.


Bringing up and instructing children and youth to learn the skills and acquire the knowledge
and wisdom they need to carry the future of humanity is no small task. Teachers are needed
who know their trade, who possess a modern perspective of today’s world, and who are willing
to push the boundaries of tradition in search of ways and means of teaching and learning
that will genuinely provide the new generations with the practical tools, the ethics and the human
qualities they require to be able to take on life; as individuals, as progressive citizens of
their country and as modern inhabitants and caretakers of the globe and its beings.

The aim of the OWU Licentiate Degree in Pedagogy is to train such teachers. The program
lasts three years and is carried out in cooperation with One World University in Mozambique,
leading to what corresponds to a Bachelor of Arts degree at a western university.
The program takes you through three practice fields, each lasting one year: The International
Practice Field, the National Practice Field and the School Practice Field. Throughout the
program, you will work and study in a dialectic process between theory and practice. You will
use the real world as your training ground, and people from many nations and all walks of life
will be your teachers. You will acquaint yourself with the world by travelling in it and investigating
its conditions, using an old bus as your pedagogical machine. Later, you will move to a
city, get employment as an unskilled worker, and study the national reality, learning from your
workmates and neighbors, who are also the parents of the children whom you will teach. In
the third year, you will work as a substitute teacher, putting the pedagogical theories you have
learned to the test and trying out and investigating how children learn and what they should
learn – content and methods – using all your experiences from the first two years of the program,
and building your own foundation as a teacher, cooperating closely with the parents,
and finding out how you can widen your practice to the wider community around the school,
using your surplus to initiate both practical improvements as well as cheerful and relevant doings
together with the people around you. Throughout the program, you will be working and collaborating intensely in a collective setting with your teachers and teammates; sharing what you learn, studying, learning, discussing and concluding together, thus intensifying each element of the program and getting much more out of it then you would have done alone.

Company offers

Welcome to DNS.
DNS is an abbreviation of the Danish, Det Nødvendige Seminarium, meaning The Necessary Teacher Training College. As it is not easy to give a short answer to the question “What is DNS?”, we´ll start by looking at characteristics that together may clarify what DNS is all about:

DNS is a gathering place of mostly young people, in possession of a good portion of curiosity, some courage and a bit of humor, who wish to learn about and experience the world in an organized manner. Some might even want to become teachers.
To do so, they first prepare for meeting new people and going new places and once there, they engage meaningfully with others in their daily lives. They discuss about and act on the world around them, and finally consider what could be done about it all.

Being on the move is part of DNS: travelling and going to new places is one way of being on the move, each DNS student is also on the move as a person, and DNS itself is on the move in regards to the society and world of which it is a part.

At the college and in the world where the education takes place, we practice a common life. This means we live together, we learn together, we make the daily life function together, we take decisions together, we earn the money together – in short we share ourselves and our time with each other.
This is a very different way of living than most of us are used to. We are most likely raised in
a family where we have a sort of common life with our parents and siblings, but at the same
time we have been taught the values of individualism. Our society builds on us being separated
and individualist in our thinking and doing. We often get caught in debt at an early age, we are expected to start a family and from there struggle to manage jobs, children and make ends meet. There is no time to stop to think about whether this is the best way of living, to generate the surplus to care for how our fellow humans live and suffer on this planet, or to put a question mark on how our society constantly produces insecurity, so we become afraid of each other instead of uniting our forces.

The benefits of a common life are many, and the strongest force is that, together, we can
move mountains. A collective effort targeting necessities is a considerable force in action.
One expression of our common life is Building Weekends, where we all go together to create
improvements at our facilities. It can be to build water tanks for rainwater collection, construct
a large new patio, renovate all the rooms in the dormitory, paint the assembly hall or something
else. Were we doing it alone, such projects would seem endless and nearly impossible,
but together we can do it during a weekend. Building weekends also bring other great experiences
such as realizing how quickly you can learn to use a circular saw, the joy of working with
practical tasks and the feeling of togetherness and pride when goals are reached and we have
created something beautiful.

Common life is not a new phenomenon. Humans started their life on earth in commonly
organized groups and later societies. It sits deeply in our roots, and we do not really do well
Welcome to a life full of demands, learning, love and joy.

Additional information

1st Year:
Period 1: Preparing self, group and bus for the travel, 2 months
Period 2: Travel by bus through Europe and The Sahara desert and several West African countries, 4
Period 3: Bringing it to The Public, 3 months
Period 4: Making and saving up money, 3 months
2nd Year:
Period 5: Experiencing and understanding the European reality, 6 months
Period 6: Pedagogical specializations, 3 months
Period 7: Doing what you find it most appropriate to do, 3 months
3rd Year:
Period 8: The reality of children and teachers in school, 8 months
Period 9: Pedagogical specialization and final exams, 4 months