2023-08-23 14:48:55

Sales agent

CVKeskus.ee клиент

Job Description

Primary goal is to find suitable customers with whom we would like to work with in long term.
Our products and services are listed in our homepage http://www.mikare.net.
We prefer that agent is concentrated onto one product or service in order to get best results.

NB! Official internal company languages are Estonian and English.


* Open mind and flexibility
* Ability to communicate with lot of people
* Positiive attitude
* Previous sales experience
* Fluent spoken/written in language you desire to sell
* University degree, may be under work

* Existing portfolio of customers to whom new products and services may be offered
* Foreign languages
* Option to use own car

Company offers

* Intelligent product
* Intelligent customers
* Wise backoffice team + product trainings
* Agent payment system
* Freedom to ask stupid questions :)
* Freedom to work where-ever in Europe-Asia

Additional information

The job requires:
* describing the most likely customer profile
* finding their contacts
* making first contact (phone, email, visit)
* finding out their need for our product/service and closing deal
* in some cases (if previously agreed) train customers to use product
NB! Support is not sales-agent's responsibility. For that purpose we have backoffice.