2023-08-23 14:48:55
CITIC Telecom CPC Estonia OÜ
Tööpakkuja tutvustus
Töötajate arv
18 930
CITIC Telecom CPC Estonia is part of CITIC Telecom International CPC, a leading Global Local ICT solutions partner with worldwide footprint and local presence. We serve customers from all over the globe by addressing their specific business requirements with our tailored connectivity, cloud computing, hosting and security solutions. Whether you are a Western company looking to expand into APAC or an Asian company targeting new European markets, CITIC Telecom CPC can help you accelerate digital transformation and expansion by leveraging our global reach, local support and smart solutions. Your business will be supported by a certified network professionals and security experts, as well as world class infrastructure and extensive coverage, including 140+ network PoPs; 18+ cloud operation centers and 30+ Cloud Data Center across 130 countries.

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