SIA XTM is a building company, always ready to take additional part of the road, in order to achieved results would be not only good, but excellent, implementing projects, starting from the basement and floors of buildings up to multi-storey buildings and even complicated constructions of bridges and dikes.
SIA XTM has proved itself by its work during many years as a reliable cooperation partner and employer, treating environment and humans with respect.
Trust for us means not only a word, but serves as a basis of our activity.
We invite to join our team
We will entrust the following to you:
We prefer you to have the following:
*When submitting/sending the application, applicants shall confirm that they agree with Processing of their personal data for provision of the personnel recruitment process.
SIA XTM will ensure confidentiality of your personal data.
Palun sisesta siia oma küsimus. Küsimus ilmub tööpakkumisel nähtavale kohe, kui tööpakkuja on sellele vastanud. Sinu e-maili aadress jääb seejuures tööpakkumise vaatajatele varjatuks.
NB! Tegemist on avaliku päringuga. Küsimused-Vastused on nähtavad kõikidele CV Keskuse kasutajatele ja võivad olla leitavad otsingumootorite kaudu.
Lisame kirja lõppu automaatselt lingi tööpakkumisele.