A number of employees: The company is at the stage of the launch you will have to establish a main staff and work process. The first stage contains organizing of documentation, payments, interactions with other offices, and attracted projects transfer.
Goals of the position: Development of the office as a structural unit of the company. At the first stage, it’s the fully remote job. The key objective of the country manager is the search and attraction of the clients and partners. Organizational part: finances, documentation, communication with some of the clients.
Main functions of the Estonian office:
Expected partners: IT advisors, management and IT company owners, journalists, company CMOs in industry, marketing agencies, etc.
Necessary skills:
Place of work: Remote. After - rented office in Tallin if necessary.
Probation: 3 months.
Official employment.
Wage level:
Palun sisesta siia oma küsimus. Küsimus ilmub tööpakkumisel nähtavale kohe, kui tööpakkuja on sellele vastanud. Sinu e-maili aadress jääb seejuures tööpakkumise vaatajatele varjatuks.
NB! Tegemist on avaliku päringuga. Küsimused-Vastused on nähtavad kõikidele CV Keskuse kasutajatele ja võivad olla leitavad otsingumootorite kaudu.
Lisame kirja lõppu automaatselt lingi tööpakkumisele.