2023-08-23 14:48:55

Torulukksepp / Plumber

CVKeskus.ee клиент
183 - 190 €/tunnis Bruto

Ootused kandidaadile

We are looking for plumber in fulltime permanent possition for our department. The applicant must have education, experience, language. We also prefer driving listens. It’s an advantage if the applicants speak English.

Ettevõte pakub

Wages 183 - 190 NOK gross per hour. Depending on experience and qualifications. Accommodation: Cost from 3000 - to 3700 NOK per month. We help with the accommodation. Application: Send short application and CV to e-mail: post(ät)benord.no. Diplomas and other papers must be brought to interview. Interview will be by Skype or in Tallinn. You can register the CV at the Website http://www.bnsbemanning.no/