2023-08-23 14:48:55

CVKeskus.ee new visual identity


CVKeskus.ee, the leading recruitment and job search platform in Estonia, is excited to announce the launch of a refreshed brand identity together with an updated job-search engine and recruitment platform.

That moment when you finally get the job you've been pursuing is truly special. It's inspiring to create a product that has such a profound impact on people's lives.

With the new brand identity of cvkeskus.ee, accompanied by the upgraded job search engine & recruitment platform, we aim to make it effortless for people to discover the most relevant job opportunities & make the search for your next employee fast and convenient.

Tribute to the start

Next to the friendlier small-caps logo, the updated identity main colors are blue, black & white. Blue-black-white was also the start of cvkeskus.ee brand back in 2000.

With over two decades of experience in recruitment technology development, cvkeskus.ee has been dedicated to connecting job seekers with employers. The updated platform will improve both the candidate and recruitment journeys, helping cvkeskus.ee to stay committed to its mission to help everyone find a good job.

As expected, the platform is fully mobile-friendly, allowing users to easily save job offers and evaluate applicants on their smartphones. While cvkeskus.ee previously relied on an agency for mobile application development, the company's in-house development team has now created the mobile application entirely with the help of AI co-pilot, possibly making it the first recruitment platform to achieve this.

While in job search, you will continue to find the largest selection of job offers from cvkeskus.ee, along with intuitive navigation, and advanced filtering options to help you to easily find the most relevant job opportunities.

As a recruiter you will benefit from an upgraded applicant management platform, that makes candidates analyzing, evaluation and feedback sharing more convenient with the possibility to headhunt suitable employees from Estonia's largest CV database.

Ready to discover new opportunities?

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Searching for employees?

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Headhunt in CV database
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