Some key info...
You’ll help us protect honest people online by:
You are the right future Veriffian for the job if you have:
At Veriff you will have the opportunity to:
Please write your cover letter in English and also include an example of a time when your good eye for detail helped spot or prevent a mistake.
Choose us if you share the same values with us and you will be able to feel your impact by enabling people around the world to go through intelligent and secure identity verification effortlessly. While you do your best work helping our customers, we are supporting you in your career and personal growth with additional training and mentorship.
Palun sisesta siia oma küsimus. Küsimus ilmub tööpakkumisel nähtavale kohe, kui tööpakkuja on sellele vastanud. Sinu e-maili aadress jääb seejuures tööpakkumise vaatajatele varjatuks.
NB! Tegemist on avaliku päringuga. Küsimused-Vastused on nähtavad kõikidele CV Keskuse kasutajatele ja võivad olla leitavad otsingumootorite kaudu.
Lisame kirja lõppu automaatselt lingi tööpakkumisele.