Are you interested in Data Warehouse solutions?
With us you have the opportunity to:
"Join our team and ...
be a part of an international team of high professionals, who are jointly delivering challenging projects. We are one very tight workgroup - actively working, communicating and acting as one team. With us you'll get to touch different world class technologies that are a key to bank's success of executing on the strategic initiatives." Aleksandra Sepp, your future leader
We look forward to your application 01.12.2021 at the latest.
Recruiting manager: Aleksandra Sepp, aleksandra.sepp(at)
If you are employed in Estonia, please note that salary offered for this position ranges from 2150-3250 EUR gross i.e. before taxes.
Please notice that for this specific recruitment we cannot offer relocation.
Swedbank does not discriminate anybody based on gender, age, sexual orientation or sexual identity, ethnicity, religion or disability – everybody is welcome.
Palun sisesta siia oma küsimus. Küsimus ilmub tööpakkumisel nähtavale kohe, kui tööpakkuja on sellele vastanud. Sinu e-maili aadress jääb seejuures tööpakkumise vaatajatele varjatuks.
NB! Tegemist on avaliku päringuga. Küsimused-Vastused on nähtavad kõikidele CV Keskuse kasutajatele ja võivad olla leitavad otsingumootorite kaudu.
Lisame kirja lõppu automaatselt lingi tööpakkumisele.