2023-08-23 14:48:55

Part-Time Junior Technical Analyst in an International Firm

CVKeskus.ee klient

Töö kirjeldus

Rahvusvaheline tehnoloogiafirma otsib oma meeskonda nooremanalüütikut, kelle ülesanneteks on erinevate arendusprojektides osalemine. See hõlmab muuhulgas:

  • andmete analüüsi ja raportite koostamist
  • koodide kirjutamist ja lahenduste otsimist
  • aja ning tööülesannete planeerimist ja haldamist

Väljaõpe töö käigus, seega varasem töökogemus ja kõrgharidus pole kohustuslikud, küll aga on vajalik infotehnoloogiaga sina peal olemine, motiveeritus ning suutlikkus kiiresti teadmisi omada. 

Ootused kandidaadile

  • Ingliskeele oskus heal tasemel nii suuliselt kui kirjalikult


  • Professional requirements

 Microsoft SQL server and/or Oracle database management skills
 Flexibility and adaptability to adjust to a rapidly growing, dynamic environment
 Excellent analysis skills
 Excellent organizational skills
 Outstanding follow through and customer service

 Excellent oral and written communications skills; ability to interact with management and co-workers
 Strong work ethic
 Ability to adhere to strict deadlines
 Maintain a grasp of all outstanding work to provide accurate time estimates for work requests

  • Optional, but desired skills

 Basic scripting language experience, preferably in Javascript

 Experience and a proven ability to code in the .net development framework, preferably with some proven successful projects
 Scripting to perform data normalization and conversion functions
 IT troubleshooting and support skills, with a focus on web technologies, SQL, and related networking technologies. Cloud experience a big benefit
 Experience with report generation technologies, such as Crystal reports and/or SSRS
 Experience in defining requirements and conceptualizing solutions on related projects or work assignments
 Exposure with Agile development methodologies
 Demonstrated problem solving skills and the ability to work collaboratively with other stakeholders or team members to resolve issues
 Possess excellent written and verbal communication skills
 Strong customer service focus
 Strong facilitation, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills
 Ability to adapt in a dynamic work environment and make independent decisions
 Willingness to work in a fast-paced environment, handling multiple priorities
 Function well in mid-scale, highly complex, cross-functional / platform environment

Ettevõte pakub

  • Ülipaindlikku töögraafikut koos osalise kaugtöö võimalusega peale koolitusperioodi
  • Võimalust töötada kiiresti arenevas rahvusvahelises firmas
  • Võimalust õpingute kõrval töötada
  • Võimalust töö käigus uusi teadmisi omandada ning pidevaid arenguvõimalusi
  • Oskustele ja kogemustele vastavat töötasu